Max Elliott Braunstein
Actor, Singer, Dancer, Musician
2025, He/him BFA Drama, Music Theater
Height: 6′ 2″
Vocal Range: Eb2-Bb4 (Mix E5)
Union Affiliation: None
Representation: Jared Pascoe & Donna Simon Dunn, Docherty Agency (Pittsburgh, PA)
Max Elliott Braunstein was born and raised in Vermillion, South Dakota, where he grew up exploring the outdoors, playing football, and collecting Pokémon cards. Theatre and choir became steady outlets for his wilder mind, means of connection and expression. His years training at CMU have been the most transformative of his life; he’s grateful, with a deepened sense of purpose, and looks forward to doing this work he loves professionally. Outside of acting, Max enjoys philosophy, video games, making music, and good conversation.