Graduate Admission

A GradCAS Application in addition to a SlideRoom portfolio submission is required for all School of Drama graduate programs.
Applications open in mid-September each year with review of completed applications beginning on December 15. After that date, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until each program’s cohort is filled. Please consult SlideRoom for application deadline updates.
Expand the “Program-Specific Materials” menus below to find more information on each program’s application requirements.
Application Checklist
All applicants must submit the following materials as part of their application. Please read each description carefully.
Describe your reasons for pursuing graduate studies, your educational and professional objectives, your specific interest in the School of Drama at Carnegie Mellon University, as well as your artistic influences, interests and goals, and any other information that you believe will aid the admission committee in reaching a decision. Your statement should be one to two pages in length.
*Please note that the Statement of Intent differs for the Dramatic Writing program. More information in the Program-Specific Materials section below.
Provide names and contact information (including email addresses) for three people you have chosen to write letters of recommendation on your behalf. Choose a variety of individuals, if possible, all who should be familiar with your work. Ask each of them to write a substantive letter about your qualifications for graduate study in drama, mentioning your previous study, research, and professional experience. As you enter each recommender’s information on the application, the system will contact that person to request your letter of recommendation. Be sure to keep the admission timeline in mind and give your contacts plenty of time to write letters and submit them before the deadline.
You must submit a resume detailing artistic and professional experience.
When you list your academic institutions in the online application system, follow the subsequent directions for requesting your official transcripts.
Each applicant must submit a $115 application fee. No additional fees are required if you are invited for an interview. Fee waivers are available upon request. Please email with an explanation of your situation and any supporting documentation to request a fee waiver.
All applicants whose native language is not English, regardless of citizenship or prior educational experience, are required to submit a TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), the IELTS (International English Language Testing System), or Duolingo English Test score. All applicants whose native language is not English must submit their highest test score by the application deadline. Scores below School of Drama minimums, or incomplete applications will not be considered for interview or admission. TOEFL/IELTS/DET scores must be less than two years old from the start of our admission cycle. Test scores listed on your application must be sent directly from the test administrator to CAS.
- The minimum composite TOEFL score is 100 total, with minimum subscores of 25 in Speaking, Listening, and Reading and a 24 in Writing. In addition to single test date TOEFL scores, the School of Drama also accepts MyBest Scores for TOEFL.
- The minimum IELTS score is 7.5 composite score with 7.5 in Speaking, 7 in Listening and Reading and a 6.5 in Writing.
- The Duolingo overall score is 130. The subscore minimums are: Literacy: 115, Conversation: 120, Comprehension: 125, Production: 110
Each program requires specific materials as part of its application. Please see the dropdown menu below for individual program requirements.
Applicants will be granted an interview at each program’s discretion and request. Interviews will only be considered after a complete application has been received. Applications received after December 15 may not be considered for an interview. Any questions can be directed to
Program-Specific Materials
Applications open in mid-September each year with review of completed applications beginning on December 15. After that date, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until each program’s cohort is filled. Please consult SlideRoom for application deadline updates.
Suggested Costume Design Portfolio Materials:
- Evidence of your design process (which could include preliminary sketches and research materials)
- Color sketches of your design work
- Production shots of your design work
- Fabric swatches
- Examples of supporting skills in your area of interest (which might include stitching, craftwork, quilting, millinery, jewelry making, wig and makeup execution, etc.)
- Non-costume design related artwork, such as drawings, paintings, ceramics, photography, printmaking, graphic design, etc.
Graduate applicants in Costume Design will be granted a virtual interview at our request. Applicants will be notified of interview invitations by Feb. 1. Interviews will only be considered after a complete application has been received.
Applicants for all graduate design programs should have experience in theater and some background in art and design. Demonstrated ability to analyze and discuss a script is important and will be explored at the interview. For further information about Graduate Costume Design, please contact Susan Tsu – and Mindy Eshelman –
Applications open in mid-September each year with review of completed applications beginning on December 15. After that date, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until each program’s cohort is filled. Please consult SlideRoom for application deadline updates.
Suggested Costume Production Portfolio Materials:
- Evidence of a finished garment(s) based on a designer’s sketch
- Photographic and physical examples of your costume work
- Examples of paperwork explaining your process (which could include organizational paperwork, patterns, additional sketches, etc.)
- Examples of supporting skills in areas of secondary interest (which could include sculpture, painting, printmaking, photography, millinery, and jewelry making, etc.)
Applicants in Costume Production will be granted a virtual interview at our request. Interviews will only be considered after a complete application has been received.For further information about Graduate Costume Production, please contact faculty member Brian Russman –
Applications for Fall 2025 are now CLOSED.
Dramatic Writing Submission Materials:
- One full-length play or screenplay. Only PDF files will be accepted. We have wide-ranging taste, so send the work that best reflects the current state of your writing — whatever best represents the artistic trajectory you feel you are on.
- A statement of intent describing your reasons for pursuing graduate studies. Your statement should fit on ONE PAGE. Please be sure to include:
- Your artistic and professional goals. (Be as concrete as possible!)
- Your most important artistic influences. (They need not be writers!)
- Why you practice a collaborative art form. (Be as specific as you can!)
- The next play/screenplay/musical you want to write. (Really sell us on it!)
- The core of what drives you as an artist. (What does it all boil down to?)
- A 150-word bio of relevant experience.
Dramatic Writing applicants will be granted a virtual interview at our request. Interviews will only be considered after a complete application has been received.
The University may also require applicants to take additional English proficiency tests to ensure that all students have sufficient language skills to pursue graduate level studies and fulfill teaching requirements. Depending on the results of these tests, the School of Drama may require applicants to complete further classes in English prior to enrolling. For more information about international admission and immigration, please click here.
For further information about Graduate Dramatic Writing, please contact Area Chair Rob Handel –
Applications for Fall 2025 are now CLOSED.
Applicants for The John Wells Directing MFA Program must have at least three years of experience as a director outside of school experience, as well as a strong sense of the kind of theater they would like to explore. The ability to critically analyze and discuss a script is a necessary prerequisite. Interest in the use of media and exploring a variety of directing techniques is an advantage.
Directing Specific Submission Materials:
- Videos or photographs that show a range of your directorial abilities.
- Brief autobiography: Approximately 300 words or less summarizing your life and theatrical experience.
- Statement of Intent that fits on ONE PAGE describing your reasons for pursuing and MFA in directing. Please include:
- Artistic and personal objectives
- Your most Important artistic influences to date (they can be theatrical people and places but need not only be)
- The principles that have inspired and guided your aesthetic – the core of what drives you as an artist.
- Why you practice a collaborative art form.
- Website (if you have one)
- Current theatrical resume
Final applicants in The John Wells Directing Program will be invited to meet the directing faculty, present more visual materials based on an assignment, conduct a short scene rehearsal with actors, and meet with current Wells Fellows.
The University may also require applicants to take additional English proficiency tests to ensure that all students have sufficient language skills to pursue graduate level studies and fulfill teaching requirements. Depending on the results of these tests, the School of Drama may require applicants to complete further classes in English prior to enrolling. For more information about international admission and immigration, please click here.
For further information about The John Wells Directing Fellowship, please contact Area Chair, Kim Weild –
Applications open in mid-September each year with review of completed applications beginning on December 15. After that date, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until each program’s cohort is filled. Please consult SlideRoom for application deadline updates.
Suggested Lighting Design Portfolio Materials:
- Evidence of your design process (which could include preliminary sketches and research)
- Light plots (hand or computer-generated)
- Full paperwork for at least one production
- Production shots of design work and/or short video clips
- Examples of supporting skills in your area of interest
Graduate applicants in Lighting Design will be granted a virtual interview at our request. Applicants will be notified of interview invitations by Feb. 1. Interviews will only be considered after a complete application has been received.
Applicants for all graduate design programs should have experience in theater and some background in art and design. Demonstrated ability to analyze and discuss a script is important and will be explored at the interview.
For further information about Graduate Lighting Design, please contact faculty member Rob Thomson –
Applications open in mid-September each year with review of completed applications beginning on December 15. After that date, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until each program’s cohort is filled. Please consult SlideRoom for application deadline updates.
Suggested Scenic Design Portfolio Materials:
- Evidence of your design process (which could include preliminary sketches, research, rough models, sketch-up work, etc.)
- Color sketches and/or models of your design work
- Production shots of your design work, performance art, installation work, etc.
- Ground plans, drafting, and detail drawings (hand or computer-generated)
- Examples of supporting skills in your area of interest (which might include prop work, scenic art) or in a secondary interest such as drawing, painting, photography, ceramics, sculpture, etc.
- Anything that you feel would help us get to know you better or would support a conversation you’d like to have around your goals for grad school and beyond
Note: if you are coming from a discipline outside of set design, please provide materials you feel would best align with the categories above.Graduate applicants in Scenic Design will be granted a virtual interview at our request. Applicants will be notified of interview invitations by Feb. 1. Interviews will only be considered after a complete application has been received.
Applicants for all graduate design programs should have experience in theater and some background in art and design. Demonstrated ability to analyze and discuss a script is important and will be explored at the interview.
For further information about Graduate Scenic Design, please contact Associate Head Dick Block-
Applications open in mid-September each year with review of completed applications beginning on December 15. After that date, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until each program’s cohort is filled. Please consult SlideRoom for application deadline updates.
Suggested Sound Design Portfolio Materials:
- Evidence of your design process (which could include preliminary sketches and research)
- Sound plots and cue sheets
- Sound and/or music examples (include production images to help contextualize your sound choices)
- Examples of supporting skills in your area of interest
Graduate applicants in Sound Design will be granted a virtual interview at our request. Applicants will be notified of interview invitations by Feb. 1. Interviews will only be considered after a complete application has been received.
Applicants for all graduate design programs should have experience in theater and some background in art and design. Demonstrated ability to analyze and discuss a script is important and will be explored at the interview.
For further information about Graduate Sound Design, please contact faculty member Joe Pino –
Applications open in mid-September each year with review of completed applications beginning on December 15. After that date, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until each program’s cohort is filled. Please consult SlideRoom for application deadline updates.
Applicants must demonstrate basic proficiency in project planning and execution, should have practical experience in the theater, and may also have a background in organization and management. The portfolio should reflect the applicant’s set of creative and management skills and experiences along with the showcase of their previous theatrical work.
Suggested Stage & Production Management Portfolio Materials:
- Paperwork from a recent production for schedules, reports, budgets, estimates, etc.
- Rehearsal and performance reports and production calendar
- Further examples of work that support evidence of your managerial skills
Graduate applicants in Stage & Production Management will be granted a virtual interview at our request. Applicants will be notified of interview invitations by Feb. 1. Interviews will only be considered after a complete application has been received.
For further information about Graduate Stage and Production Management, please contact Area Chair Tina Shackleford –
Applications open in mid-September each year with review of completed applications beginning on December 15. After that date, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until each program’s cohort is filled. Please consult SlideRoom for application deadline updates.
Applicants must demonstrate basic proficiency in project planning and execution, should have practical experience in the theater, and may also have a background in mathematics and physics.
Suggested Technical Direction Portfolio Materials:
- Evidence of technical skills (which could include working drawings and photos of your work both finished and in process)
- Examples of material and labor budgeting
- Drafting, drawing, or CAD material
Graduate applicants in Technical Direction will be granted a virtual interview at our request. Interviews will only be considered after a complete application has been received.
For further information about Graduate Technical Direction, please contact faculty member Kevin Hines –
Applications open in mid-September each year with review of completed applications beginning on December 15. After that date, applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until each program’s cohort is filled. Please consult SlideRoom for application deadline updates.
Suggested Video & Media Design Portfolio Materials:
- Evidence of your design process (which could include preliminary sketches, research, video clips, sketch-up work, etc.)
- Video system diagrams, projector plots, cue sheets and other support drawings (hand or computer-generated)
- Production shots of finished design work and or short video clips
- Video examples of your work (please select shorter sections for review)
- Examples of supporting skills in your area of interest (which might include personal artworks, art installations, professional video work, custom software or system designs etc.)
Graduate applicants in Video & Media Design will be granted a virtual interview at our request. Interviews will only be considered after a complete application has been received.
Applicants for all graduate design programs should have experience in theater and some background in art and design. Demonstrated ability to analyze and discuss a script is important and will be explored at the interview.
For further information about Graduate Video & Media Design, please contact Area Chair Lawrence Shea –
Application FAQs
No. We do not require any standardized test for admission to the School of Drama.
No. There is no official graduate school within the University. All graduate programs are autonomous.
You can add material to the online application at any time. Once the formal application has been received, you will become an official applicant. Any materials that are sent before that time (such as recommendations, transcripts, etc.) will be held until the formal application arrives.
The formal application needs to be received by December 15 to adhere to the priority application deadlines. If more time is needed to obtain transcripts or recommendations, that is permitted, but please stay in communication with Director of Recruitment & Enrollment Sarah Shechtman (
Graduate programs in the School of Drama are for full-time students only.
Students remain in the program only so long as the graduate faculty agrees that continued training at Carnegie Mellon University will result in significant progress towards a professional career.
All submitted admission materials will be kept on file for one year after application with the exception of those applicants who have decided to attend school elsewhere. It is strongly recommended that some new material be submitted, such as a new portfolio for designers or a new script for dramatic writers. There is no need to submit new recommendation letters unless the applicant so desires.
No. The programs are three years in length.
On rare occasions we accept transfer students into the Design and Production Technology and Management Areas. Except in special circumstances, as determined by the graduate faculty, transfer credit is not given for graduate work done elsewhere.
No transfer students will be accepted for the John Wells Directing Fellowship or Dramatic Writing program.
It is assumed that each graduate directing student will work in a new play process with a graduate playwright in their first year, direct a graduate production in the second year, and direct a thesis production in the third year. Other opportunities may well present themselves in addition to this.
All students will see their work fully realized through productions. The amount and content of realized work that a student does is customized to their goals and individual skill level. At a minimum, each graduate design student will design once a year.
Every semester Production Technology & Management graduate students are assigned to productions in various positions, either in the School of Drama or elsewhere. These assignments are made based on the student’s level of ability, progression through the program, and career interests and goals. Students often receive multiple concurrent assignments, which reflects real world multi-tasking.
All of our graduate students receive a scholarship that covers a portion of the annual tuition. The exact amount varies, however we offer at least 50% tuition assistance for admitted graduate students. As long as you are in good academic standing, the scholarship will continue each year of attendance in the School of Drama. Nothing beyond the application and admission to the School of Drama is required for this scholarship. For more information, please contact Director of Recruitment and Enrollment Sarah Shechtman at
Some financial aid is available through the University and is handled by the Financial Aid Office. The FAFSA is required.