Andrew Dunn
Andrew Thomas Dunn is a doctoral candidate in English at the CUNY Graduate Center. His research broadly explores the intersections of phenomenology, aesthetics, and transhumanist philosophy in a new form of digital hermeneutics aimed at multiple media. His dissertation, Towards an Ecological Pragmatism: Mediated Persuasion and the Poetics of Attitude, considers how literary works of fiction and technical infrastructures (in particular digital platforms) mediate our understanding of the world. He holds an M.A. in English from CUNY Brooklyn College, an MLIS from Rutgers University, and a BA from Bowdoin College. He has more than ten years of experience in the field of composition instruction, and he has previously taught at the University of Pittsburgh, the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and Brooklyn College. Most recently, he is the author of “Inside the Swarms: Personalization, Gamification, and the Networked Public Sphere,” published in Platforms, Protests, and the Challenge of Networked Democracy (Palgrave Macmillan 2020).