Kristi Good, PhD
True collaboration shines brightest when every voice and resource is within reach; it’s when accessibility fuels our collective potential that we create our greatest work.
-Kristi Good, PhD
Kristi has been a faculty member in the School of Drama for over a decade. They regularly teach Production Dramaturgy and Dramaturgy in Translation, but have taught a variety of classes for both the undergraduate and graduate populations. Kristi has served as co-chair of the Season Selection Committee and advises production assignments in dramaturgy. They are also a liaison from the Office of Disability Resources to the School of Drama.
Kristi received their MA at Villanova University, specializing in dramaturgy, and their PhD in Theatre & Performance Studies at the University of Pittsburgh. Their scholarship and interests lean toward theatre of trauma and uncovering suppressed narratives, particularly in regards to new play development.
Kristi has been a member of the Mid-America Theatre Conference since 2013 and regularly dramaturgs new work in their Playwrighting Symposium, which they led as co-chair from 2015-2017. They also serve as the Accessibility Officer for the organization and serve on the Land Acknowledgment Committee. Kristi also champions new work by committing their time to new work adjudication for the Playwrights’ Center in Minneapolis and by being a freelance script consultant for playwrights across the country, as well as a workshop dramaturg. Kristi is also a member of Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas, and attends their yearly conference.
Kristi has published articles in Theatre History Studies, Theatre Topics, and Etudes. Their most recent articles include a dramaturg’s manifesto on selecting translated scripts, a feminist microhistory of the woman responsible for Pittsburgh’s most notorious jailbreak, and a call to action for normalizing the disruption of reproductive health in academia.